Kidz Korner believes that focus on the PROCESS is crucial in order for each child to truly understand their journey. This journey is introduced in the classroom through play and child-initiated purpose. Teachers are merely guides who co-learn with children throughout the day. Adults and children act as explorers in their daily adventure of fun, learning and friendships.
The learning environment plays a significant role in each child's individual development. Kidz Korner has worked closely with early childhood experts, designers and university researchers to ensure that our learning space provides every opportunity for children to imagine, discover, take risks, be curious, construct, ask questions, and explore their senses.OUR PHILOSOPHY
Our focus is on the development of the whole child, where they learn at their individual pace in a safe, nurturing environment. We believe children learn best through hands-on experiences, using age-appropriate materials combined with play-based activities. We are a place where children’s imagination and curiosity are valued, and a safety net is in place for risks taking, inquiry, construction, and exploration.